Militarization accused in Cybersecurity Law

The initiative ignores the functioning of IT, human rights in the digital world and promotes militarization.
The Federal Cybersecurity Law presented in the Chamber of Deputies , although it was not voted on, would give the military forces total control of operations, strategies and actions in digital matters, experts warned.

“ It is an initiative that we built in consensus

with the participation of the Federal Executive, through the different departments that comprise it and, in a prominent way.

“With the support of the Army, the Navy and the National Guard, their contributions were essential to understanding the challenge we face.”

This was stated by Deputy Javier López Casarín, President of the Science, Technology and Innovation Commission.

The proposal has 92 articles, divided into 8 titles, with 8 transitional articles.

Risks of the initiative
“The Cybersecurity Law initiative seriously threatens human rights in the digital environment, promotes militarization and has serious deficiencies that make it unviable and dangerous .”

The Network in Defense of Digital Rights (R3D) filed a complaint.
He accused the law of having a profound lack of understanding of the basic notions of human rights in india whatsapp number data the digital environment, the functioning of technologies and the digital economy.

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“Their poor legislative technique produces everything from the invasion of the powers of autonomous constitutional bodies to unviable or impossible results .”

He added.

For Verónica Becerra, co-founder of Offhack , a company specializing in the subject. The initiative is looking at cybersecurity in a non-digital environment.

“They make us think about militarization

which would be a serious mistake since it falls into something unconstitutional and even puts human rights at risk . ”

He pointed out.
He warned that “excessive 5 things retailers can do now for a successful holiday season control. Disguised as protection speaks of a lack. Of transparency in the event of a cybersecurity incident.”

This law not only creates the National Cybersecurity Agency, but also gives relevance. To cmo email list the recent Inter-Secretarial Commission on Information and Communication Technologies.

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