An improperly titled . Scientific paper might never reach the readers for which it was intended. Hence, mention the . Name of the study, a particular region it was conducte in, or an element it . Contains in the title. Step . Mention keywords lista keyword list offers the opportunity to . Optimal use of keywords .
May Increase the Chances of
May increase the chances of intereste parties to easily locate your scientific paper. Step . Add abstracta well-define abstract allows the reader to identify the basic content of your paper . Quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance, and decide whether to read it in its . Entirety. The abstract briefly states the principal, scope, and objectives of the research. The abstract . Typically should not excee words.
If You Can Convey the
If you can convey the important details of the paper . In words, do not try to use more. Step . Start with introductionan introduction begins . By introducing the authors and their relevant fields to the reader. A common mistake made . Is introducing their fusion database areas of study while not mentioning their major findings in descriptive scientific . Writing, enabling the reader to place the current work in context.
Ending of the Introduction
The ending of the introduction . Can be done you are worried that the noise may disturb your neighbor through a statement of objectives or, with a brief statement of the . Principal findings. Either way, the reader must have an idea of where the paper is . Headed to process the development of the evidence. Step . Mention scientific materials vietnam data and methods . Usedthe primary purpose of the ‘materials and methods’ section is to provide enough detail for .
A Competent Worker to Replicate
A competent worker to replicate your research and reproduce the results.The scientific method requires your . Results to be reproducible, and provide a basis for the reiteration of the study by . Others. However, if case your material and method have been previously published in a journal, . Only the name of the study and a literature reference is needed. Step . Write . Down resultsresults display your findings, figures, and tables of your study.