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Digital Kit Program for SMEs: aid for digitalization

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation has launched a package of grants to accelerate the digitalisation of SMEs. At Súmate we explain what you need to do to receive these grants and thus boost your business.

The need for a fully digitalised business ecosystem is increasing, and for this reason, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation has launched a series of aids to accelerate this process. This is the Digital Kit for SMEs programme , an ambitious plan that was born with a budget of 3,067 million euros for the period 2021-2023, and which aims to ensure that both self-employed workers and small and medium-sized companies adopt solutions in different digital areas.

What are these digital-focused grants

The aim of these grants is to boost the digitalisation of SMEs and self-employed workers quickly and efficiently, in order to boost different areas of each company, such as their presence on the Internet, the management of social networks or strengthening the relationship with customers through online processes, but also to create e-commerce platforms, implement electronic invoicing, implement analytics and smart business and create virtual services and tools. All this without forgetting the importance of cybersecurity and secure comm oman telegram data unications in all processes.

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What is the Digital Kit and

To enable every SME or self-employed person to develop their digital t how to get the most out of in-person events with your brand ansformation, the Government has created a Digital Kit that promotes the promotion of these measures through a digital voucher that includes aid of 12,000 euros for companies with  bw lists between 10 and 50 employees; 6,000 euros for those with between nine and three employees; and 2,000 euros for those with less than three and no employees.


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