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How important is it to have a USP on Amazon?

USP or Unique Selling Proposition. Those of us who live in marketing have heard it more than once and have accepted the importance of having a USP. But let’s be realistic. How important is it to have a USP? How important is it to have it selling on Amazon?

Most companies and products do not have a USP

We all like stories. In the business context, they are success stories. They are practical cases that make us admire some entrepreneurs, businessmen and marketing departments because they have an ingenuity beyond the normal.

But what is “normal”? The normal thing is not to have a USP. The normal thing is to do the same as everyone else. Being cheaper is not having a USP because the second your competition lowers the price you have also lost what you thought was your USP.

Why do I find it so complicated to phone number library have a USP in the medium and long term as a company? Most businesses and products are not very different, at least not in the long term. We can count on one or two hands companies and products that are USPs today. Having said that, I can only think of the iPhone and its touchscreen that at the time changed the mobile market and turned them into smartphones. Yes, that was a USP for Apple but it was temporary. Today, and Apple fans will disagree, for me there is no USP because design is something that anyone can imitate and put you in a cage of Apple applications for me it has nothing to do with improving usability.


phone number library

What matters for your Amazon business

Is to think about the dessert without giving importance to the main course. It is the flat comparison that first comes to mind. Before obsessing over a USP you have to think about this and more so if your product is on Amazon.

Basic functionalities: are you on par why make a product that doesn’t sell? with your competition or do they perform better than you? Things fail that shouldn’t. Measurements, materials, performance, stability, etc.
Pricing: your price is suitable for your positioning. Raising prices is not enough to have a premium positioning. It’s a phrase I heard yesterday at a meeting that really caught my attention because of how basic and obvious it is.


Is the first impression you want for loan data your product? How is your product perceived when you take it out of the box? This moment is key to reducing the rate of returns.
Continuous improvement: Do you care about the voices of your customers? Check carefully each new comment you receive. Never stop improving your product. You should never be 100% happy with what you have.

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