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Instructions for handling changes in address and company

During the process of using electronic invoices , there may be cases where the enterprise changes its business registration address or changes its company name. At that time, the enterprise’s electronic invoice also needs to make changes to match the data with the tax authority.

After the enterprise completes the procedures to change the address/company name on the business

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the enterprise needs to continue with the procedures for electronic invoices. In this article, MISA will guide enterprises to handle 2 situations:

Case 1 : Change of address, company name but not change of Tax Authority
Case 2: Change of address, company name leading to change of Tax Authority

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1. Change address, company name but not change Tax Authority
1.1 If the Tax Authority requests a oman telegram data  notice of issuance of a new electronic invoice form
1.2 If the Tax Authority requests to prepare a Notice of Information Adjustment
2. Change of address, company name leading to change of Tax Authority

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If you want to continue using the remaining invoice

2.2 If you do not want to continue the product owner generates and tests hypotheses  using the remaining invoice:
1. Change address, company name but not change Tax Authority
With this procedure, each tax authority bulk data  often has different requirements. Therefore, businesses need to contact the relevant tax authority for guidance before proceeding with the procedure.

1.1 If the Tax Authority requests a notice of issuance of a new electronic invoice form
Step 1 : Cancel old sample invoice numbers according to instructions here

Step 2 : Contact the electronic invoice provider directly for support in updating the new name and address on the software’s License to Use (GPSD). After having the GPSD, register the new GPSD into

the software according to the instructions here.

Step 3 : Create a new release notice according to the instructions here

Step 5 : After completing the tax procedures, go to Invoice issuance notification on the software and adjust the status to ” Effective ” to issue invoices on the software.

1.2 If the Tax Authority requests to prepare a Notice of Information Adjustment
Step 1 : Create a Notice of information adjustment in the invoice issuance notice according to form TB04/AC. Refer to the instructions here

Step 2 : After completing tax procedures, the business directly contacts the electronic invoice provider for support in updating the new name and address on the software’s GPSD.

Update Business Registration Certificate

Step 3 : After 2 days, the enterprise checks whether the notice has been accepted by the tax authority If not accepted, it can contact the tax authority directly for procedural instructions.

Step 4 : After completing the tax procedures, go to the Invoice Issuance Notice on the software and change the status to ” Effective ” to issue invoices on the software.

2. Change of address, company name leading to change of Tax Authority
2.1 If you want to continue using the remaining invoice.

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