Home » Motivation is not the problem (and neither is discipline)

Motivation is not the problem (and neither is discipline)

It’s a shame I haven’t figured out how to get the most out of it yet. I’m talking about my superpower. And even though this may sound pretentious, I’m going to say it. The things I really want to do, I do them. Period.

And the thing is this

People in my immediate circle sometimes tell me something like “you are very disciplined” and I tell you that it is not that. In fact. I would even say that I am a rather lazy person when it comes to many things. When it comes to things that do not motivate me, for example.

Discipline is for those who do things saudi arabia whatsapp number data they don’t really want to do. Those who don’t have it say they lack motivation. They are not disciplined because they lack motivation. But once again they are wrong. It’s not that either.

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The essential question for me is this

What is it that is so powerful for you that it add the search function moves you? It has something to do with how you define yourself. If there is a discrepancy between who you are and what you do, you will not be able to maintain it for very long because it will make you a highly unhappy person. Doing it instead is like the attraction of the irresistible force of two magnets.

  • If you are a painter, you paint pictures. Doing so for eight hours or more every day will not matter to you. Quite the contrary.

If you’re a runner

  • you go out and train. You get up early before kuwait data you do anything else if you have to. You don’t question it. You don’t have to make any decisions because they’ve already been made.
  • If you consider yourself a healthy person, you won’t eat junk food. Or at least not on every occasion. You won’t have a hard time not touching those fries the waiter just served you.

Knowing who you are and what defines you is much stronger than having discipline or being motivated. That is the first step. I am lucky to have it clear. That is the basis of my superpower.

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