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The company did not abandon the idea of ​​automating business

The success of the entire enterprise depends on how competently and thoughtfully the initiation is carri out. Therefore, the preparation of the initial stage of the project should be approach with all responsibility. Automation Anywhere’s intelligent IT solutions help companies around the world automate business processes. The startup, found by Indian expats, has reach a valuation of $7 billion.

According to the company’s report, 75% of deals in the last quarter

We tell you how the team manag to build a global-scale business. You are reading the magazine Compass – a messenger for effective and safe teamwork. Learn more about Compass How Automation Anywhere was found and its development milestones Automation Anywhere grew out of Tethys Solutions, which launch in 2003.

The company was register in California and releas

Business automation products over 7 years of operation. The qatar phone number library company’s founders are Mihir Shukla, Ankur Kothari, Rushabh Parmani, Niti Mehta-Shukla. Source: Automation Anywhere In 2010, the company was renam Automation Anywhere, and the existing products were combin into a single platform.  processes, but decid to do it in a new way – with the help of intelligent solutions.

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Clients tell us that traditional technologies automate

Only 20% of processes. And our platform copes with the [podcast] the business of culture: how to foster international employee loyalty automation of 80% of business tasks. The contrast is huge – as are the opportunities. Mihir Shukla, CEO, Automation Anywhere Until 2018, little was heard about Automation Anywhere, but by the beginning of 2021, the company had gain about 2,800 corporate clients around the world. Among them are such major players as Volkswagen and Whirlpool.

Automation Anywhere has been growing

At a rapid pace: 2018 The first $250 million was rais from buy lead Goldman Sachs and New Enterprise Associates, as well as $300 million from SoftBank. The company’s capitalization grew to $2.6 billion. Co-founder Mihir Shukla says in an interview that the rapid growth in demand for automation at this time is provok by the development of digital giants – Google, Uber, Netflix, Amazon and others.

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