Supreme Court Expressed

Supreme Court has . Expressed his position in a recent civil cassation ruling, sixth section. – March. – n°. In this case the commission, not being able to rely on jurisprudential interpretations. O. Doctrinal, it was based more on the ethical norms of the national council of notaries, such as integration and collaboration with the work of the same and its commissions, and on the common feeling of both the notary class and the community.

Prestige in this framework

In this framework, prestige and . The . Decorum of the notary class with reference to public function, dignity and . Reputation with . Reference to the public and private life of the notary constitute the cardinal points. Of the processing of . Shared practices.” regarding the disciplinary responsibility of notaries, art. Notarial law. Clearly identify the interest. Which is considered worthy of protection, identifying it in the protection of .

Dignity And Reputation Of

Dignity and reputation of the . Notary, as well vnpay database as in the decorum and prestige of the class. Notarial, determining the sanctionable conduct in . One capable of compromising the protected interest. In particular, the competition carried out is identified as illicit. … using … reminders or . Advertising not permitted by ethical standards, or by . Any other means not suitable for . Decorum and prestige of the notary class”.

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Rule Mentioned Although It Does Not Pose One

The rule mentioned.Although it does not pose a the ne for forc viewing, the inability to scroll through a block of no interest limitation. To the competition between notaries – the lawfulness of which indeed. Implicitly recognizes – prohibits. Only the illicit forms, not in themselves, but as a form of . Damage to property. Protected by the norm of decorum and prestige of the notary class. The . Illegal competition. It can take the form of a series of typical behaviors, reduction of fees and rights.

Accessories Customer Procurers Advertising O

Accessories. Procurers of clients, advertising data on or atypical use of any other means not suited to the decorum and prestige of the notary class, which includes the search by the notary for clients through the use of illicit or incorrect means. Guidelines in . Matter. On ethics guidelines on ethics issued by the ethics commission of the interregional committee. Some advice. Notaries of the three Venices, the ethics commission of the authoritative body, created precisely for the purpose.

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