They Decide Not to

They decide not to . Take any action to promote the notary’s officeor they do . It wrong to the point . Of risking dismissal and the withdrawal of the seal.The . Truth lies somewhere in the middle. But first we need to start by examining . The regulatory sources and authoritative guidelines on . Advertising for notaries.Warning! This guide is the .

Result of an in-depth Study

Result of an in-depth study of all the . Regulatory sources of the notary sector. Here I have collected everything that is allowed or . Forbidden for a notary to . Do to advertise their office.You will not find another guide . Online dedicated to advertising . For notaries that is so detailed and that refers you to . Specific articles and . Regulations .

If You Think You Do

If you think you do not have enough time to . Read it . Calmly at the moment, I recommend that you save the guide to promoting . The . Notary bc data europe office and read it later.Thank you and happy reading!Download this article to read.Laterfill out the form below to be redirected to the free downloadable pdf version of.The notary advertising guide.Name and surname notary name and surnameheadquarters notary office locatione-mail email .

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To Receive the Article

To . Receive the article I agree to the processing testing this association, making amendments of personal data after reading . The privacy . Policyby thinking about the regulatory framework relating to the category and what . Advertising for notaries . Really means, it is possible to understand how a notary can . Promote his notary office.Stando alla prassi comune, il notaio può ricorrere ad . Attività pubblicitarie per promuovere il .

His Studio In His Own District

Your study in your district of competence. As long data on as they are practical. Advertising characterized by sobriety and truthfulness. Information.Advertising for notaries, what is allowed to do?The activities. Promotion of the notary’s office can include website. Web presence on online classifieds portals. Payment on search engines such as google advertisingpublishing. Of posts and content on social media. Networks such as facebook, instagram and linkedincosa can communicate the .

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