Home » Tips for creating your Editorial Calendar for Social Media

Tips for creating your Editorial Calendar for Social Media

1. Write down important dates
Each category should consider key dates for your digital audiences, for example, a music school should remember the birthdays of famous composers, the day of the musician or celebrate an international music festival. You can rely on pre-established date calendars , such as the one offered by Doppler in its Free Materials section .

When planning important dates, you should include those that have to do with your business , so you need to do some research. Don’t be afraid! This tip gives very good results, since you will have topics of general interest and so telegram database users list me more specific ones according to your audience, which will make it easier to start a dialogue with your readers.

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2. Prepare the way for your special events

If you have any activation, conference, Webinar, special offer or interview with experts coming up, these should be dates marked in red on your calendar! Prepare the way by jotting down reminders so your audience is aware of these dates or plan an Email Marketing Campaign , to remind them that they can get more information on your Social Networks.

By planning ahead at least a week before your important events, you will be able to verify that the material you will share (text, photo or video) is of good quality and free of errors .

3. Create theme days
Marking themed days on your calendar or even giving them a unique hashtag can simplify your editorial planning. You just have to keep an eye on the topics that work and discard or update those that are not well received by your audience.

4. Finally: never stop monitoring

Despite the importance of having an Editorial Calendar for Social Media, you must remember that Socia quick signs  Networks often echo important events unexpectedly, which grow the conversation in a very short time and, on some occasions, represent opportunities to magnify the reach of your messages.

You should never stop monitoring the conversations and words asso which one is more worth a try in march 2022 ciated with your category. Even if you have a well-planned Editorial Calendar, you should be attentive to the needs of your audience, because one of the wonderful things about Social Networks is that you always have to have a little flexibility and give yourself the opportunity to be spontaneous.

Do you already have an Editorial Calendar? What other aspects do you take into account when managing it? I look forward to hearing from you.

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