the engines on these pages are able to provide data and more data on the questions we ask by voice, more and more people have chang their usual relationship with these websites, but also with devices and applications.
It is not surprising, therefore, that the number of voice searches has increas since this modality appear, but also the number of products such as smart speakers that simplify processes in which it is not even necessary to see a screen and with which you can even hold a conversation, since Alexa , Siri or Cortana are already part of the lives of millions of people. This union of voice, smart device and user convenience was what drove Voice Commerce , a voice purchasing modality that has not yet conquer all users, but which we see getting closer to doing so.
Voice search and text searc
There are important differences between voice searches and text searches, as the user uses different keywords for each of them. When speaking to the device, much longer, friendlier and more familiar phrases are us, the type of communication is bas on a more conversational and brazil telegram data dialogue-like manner , while in the case of written searches they are usually shorter, mechanical and schematic.
This means that if the search is done by voice, the user will use more elaborate expressions, such as ” how to save on the electricity bill “, while if they want to resolve this doubt by writing, they would probably use a much shorter phrase, such as ” save on electricity “.
Another differential
aspect is that the voice introduces expressions that are appropriate to t unlocking the secrets of california’s hidden gem he moment, such as ” near me ” to find locations or establishment bw lists s, while the text prefers to use the specific location, whether it be a city, a street or a known space.